My favorite Halloween costume of all time!
There are many couples costume ideas to go with your horror movies. Whether you want ultimate realism or just a cool night out, these are some of the best scarves, sweaters, coats, and masks available. All of these items are perfect for a spooky night out on the town or just to wear as a callback to scary times in your life. My top picks are shown here followed by a video walkthrough of what I think looks great over the costume selection process.
When you think of horror movie costumes, you might think of the classic masks worn by actors in the latest Romero film. You might think of the spooky garments that shoppers flock to Walgreen’s for They have some Creepy Crawly Weekends products that look excellent over a camp outfit or even a killer sweatshirt. But there is so much more to see when you explore the world of horror movie costumes online. Visitors to this section of the site will find dozens of outfits that are both adorable and terrifying at the same time.
These costumes are perfect for any party, even scary ones! They will definitely bring fear to the partygoer! These costumes are really simple to put together and you could even do it by yourself in a few hours. That is why I wrote this article. I am going to show you how to create the best masks and outfits for your loved ones in a fun and safe manner. Be warned though, some of these masks are terrifyingly effective. Get ready for an awesome night out evil or lurking around a house in the dark!
Attention: This costume for men is guaranteed to make you the star of any Halloween party
Couples Horror Movie Costumes
When it comes time to attend all of this year’s Halloween parties, you and your significant other might want to consider dressing as one of Hollywood’s scariest lovebird couples. It is Halloween, after all, and horror movie costumes for couples are cute, even if they are frightening.
Chucky and his bride are terrifying costumes that reflect the horror genre. Who can forget that creepy red-headed doll that came alive and murdered people? While Chucky’s costume is typically horrifying, the female’s costume is glamorous – even with the ax she’s wielding and the blood splattered all across her dress.
Zombie bride and grooms aren’t from any specific movie, but there have been many couples turned into zombies on shows and movies, so this is a popular horror flick couple costume idea this year, with zombie topics all the rage.
Leatherface and his Mrs. From The Texas Chainsaw Massacre are a sexy duo. Of course, he didn’t really get married, but costume designers have taken the horror genre and those completely unlovable killers and given them companion costumes just in case someone ever found it in their heart to give him a shot. She even has a matching chainsaw so she can help get the job done.
Freddie Kruger and the wifey are other such examples. No one could really endure those razor-sharp claws, but if she did, she would no doubt be wearing a sweater dress to match her lover, along with a hat like his, and a set of claws all her own.
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th make a formidable duo. His and her hockey masks with matching machetes will send your friends and family screaming in terror. Make sure you have a little fake blood splatter on the costumes, too.
Mummy couples have been in movies forever. His and her costumes look basically the same, but some are sexier than others, depending on how you want to depict your couple. Her costume could be a lovely mummy dress, while the man’s costume is typical bandages from head to toe.
Scream is one horror movie that never goes out of style. Your spouse or boyfriend can be the killer in his black robe and mask, carrying a knife, while you can dress as one of the victims of his crime – or the reporter, Gale Weathers.
Frankenstein and his bride are a real classic horror movie couple. The Bride of Frankenstein came out in 1934, and everyone loved the idea that this monster got his own lovely lady. The bride’s costume is a beautiful white dress and her signature black and white tall hairdo.
Sweeny Todd and Mrs. Lovett have a sort of Steampunk look to them, and they’re a horror movie couple costume idea that’s right for those who like to work together to create chaos. Make sure you get the razor accessory to complete the look!
Simple ideas for the 2021 Halloween costume.
Make your costume more than just a scary face! When you pick up one of our couple’s horror movie costumes, you’ll match your date right down to the blood splatters on your shirt or dress. Complete your creepy couple costume look with accessories like bloody weapons and severed limb props, plus matching couples’ masks and wigs.
Woo your sweetheart this year in one of our horror movie costumes. Today’s costumes come in a variety of styles and sizes, and some even come with props like fake knives and giant eyeballs. Whether you’re looking for costumes to wear on Halloween or for dress-up fun on a cold November night, we have the perfect costumes to make the whole family go bump in the night!
Action: Click here to get yours today.