Carol asks…
…………………. Sexism?
If my sister phsyically attacks me, fails, ends up getting hurt and then puts a scarf around her neck to walk around with all day. Then some people call me a “to-be wife beater” or an “asshole” isn’t that sexism since if I were not a male they’d never say that?
I tried to stop the fight several times but she kept attacking me over and again since she wants to be dominant. I have not physically fought with her in a long time (fyi).
admin answers:
I know what you mean. There are a rare minority of cases where guys get the bad end of the stick due to steriotypes. It is definately a form of sexism and isn’t fair, but all you can do is try to rise above it. However, a tip for next time, if she keeps coming at you, then leave the situation before it gets physical, that way you dont look as bad as she does in the long run.
Lizzie asks…
i have 2 simple questions!
1. why do men earn more money than women (sometimes in the same jobs)?
2. why do girls do better than boys in school?
i am curious about the answers to these. the reason is that ive found that people usually answer the first question with: “due to sexism against women” – it is not acceptable to say “because men perform better with women”. people tend answer the second question, not with “due to sexism against boys”/”due to an educational bias towards females”, but with “because girls work harder” (or something similar.)
what do people think about this? it seems like a double standard to me. i think its worrying that one sex earns more than the other, and i think its worrying that one sex performs better academically than the other. considering that girls are outperforming boys in school now, do you think that women will earn more money than men in future? and if so, would you explain that with sexism, or would you say that it is because women are more intelligent/ conscientious than men?
im looking for honest opinions
admin answers:
1. The new time article shows that among young professionals, women actually earn more than men. The old pay gap measurements come from comparing people of higher incomes who have been in the workplace much longer. The problem is that compared to men, more women took time out of the work place to raise kids. They are less likely to work late or come in on weekend – again, because they are more likely to care for kids. Although more women are now graduating from college than men, overall, more men in the higher paying jobs have more education and more training than women. I sense it’s not what you want to hear but the fact is men and women in the same jobs do not on average have the same attributes.
2. I have no clue as to why boys fail out of college at a greater rate than women. Can’t help you there. Military enlistment may be a part of it, but is certainly not the whole story there.
As to your question: Will women start earning more since they do better in school? The answer is that has already happened. As the Time article mentioned, when looking at recent graduates that have not yet married or had kids, women already earn more.
P.S. – part of the school answer may be in the differences in the ways men and women learn. Men tend to be much more experiential or hands on, but school is much more linguistic or lecture oriented learning. The workplace is to some degree the opposite.
Chris asks…
What sexism and oppression against women do feminists see in western society?
what exactly are feminists trying to do? The only thing I hear is that there are not enough women in politics or something, but how do you know that is sexism and not because women are choosing to go into politics?
admin answers:
Feminism is not about obtaining equal opportunity for women it is about using the state as muscle to force an equal outcome (similar to another “ism”). You hear them say things like “people call women sluts”, or “women are still called b*tches”, or “how come a guy can sleep with as many women as they want and women can’t” etc. None of which has anything to do with equal opportunity.
Also when this question is asked, they love to bring up violence against women, as if violence is a gender specific issue rather than a criminal issue that every society as a whole deals with. Violence against women is no worse than any other type of violence, it is certainly not worse than violence against children of which (according to the FBI and CDC) women are the overwhelming perpetrators of.
David asks…
Is there a difference between being sexist and complaining about sexism?
It seems as though people on here react to people that complain about sexism towards women the same way as they react to people who are sexist towards women. That shouldn’t be happening. Sexism is worse than complaining about sexism. Complaining about sexism is not misandrical.
I sting your face – maybe you are just unable to understand it?
admin answers:
Complaining about sexism is not just as bad as being sexist. I have no idea where this fallacy comes from. Although, if you blame every member of a gender for the sexist actions of one member, that is just as bad as being sexist.
William asks…
How did sexism effect our culture and literature ?
How did sexism effect our culture and literature ? I’m doing an essay, and I really cannot find out how sexism effected both our literature ad culture ? Need some long term effects and some small effects ? Thanks !
admin answers:
CURRENT culture?
What FEMINISTS call sexism or “bullying,” most 4th grade public school boys already deal with (facing each other) on the school yard.
In reality, what females consider bullying or sexism isn’t even on the same line as what guys consider… Which is why now non-violent criminals SURPASSED dangerous criminals in prisons due to these frivolous puss/y lawsuits.
George asks…
How do I link sexism, classism and racism together in an essay?
I’m writing an essay about prejudice and the sub-topics I have chosen are sexism, classism and racism. My concluding sentences for each of the topics will be something that links to the next topic. I’m really confused on how I can link these three topics together and how it will flow smoothly into the next topic. Help please?
admin answers:
You could try variations on this kind of thing:
(end of one paragraph)
However, sexism is not the only way that prejudice is expressed.
(start of the next paragraph: This strong transition)
In addition to sexism, another form of societal prejudice is classism. Classism (whatever…..)
Ending with
But there is another form of prejudice that is even more pernicious than either sexism and classicism.
(start of next paragraph)
Arguably, the expression of social prejudice that is even more damaging than either sexism or classism is racism. Racism ….
James asks…
Was sexism developed in the seventeenth century and how much?
I have a history project… Anyway, it’s about social classes in seventeenth century. I’ve done all even this one. I have to know was sexism developed (You know, men domination). Can you please tell me anything you know about it?? I guess that it was developed, but how much?
Thanks! You will really help me if you answer this. =)
IF you can tell me the difference between high class women and poor women.
admin answers:
Sexism didn’t just spring up in the 17th century it’s gone on for Milennia. Only a very small handful of ancient cultures were even somewhat fair to women. Ancient Egypt being one of them. In Egypt women were not viewed as property, they could inherit and own property in their own right. I’m not sure specifically about the attitudes of the Babylonians or later Persians. But I can tell you that Greek, Roman and Hebrew societies were pretty strict about women not being outside the home and women being viewed as the property of their fathers and then their husbands. But there are stories of women managing throughout history to make a name for themselves. And not just as whores. (The Whore of Babylon, etc.) Sometimes you have to look to find them between the lines of other stories. Because after all it was men who wrote those history books.
I’m not much of an expert on 17th century Europe. But I can tell you that traditional gender roles were throughly entrenched at that time, and women were still viewed as property (maybe slightly more treasured property, but still). It wasn’t until the 19th century and the Industrial Revolution that things really started to change. And thank God they did.
“Well behaved women rarely make history.”
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